Lab 3: Watershed Analysis
Lab 3: Watershed Analysis Goal Watersheds are land surface areas, that drain water to one specific location, a group of streams that all lead to one place, would all have the same watershed.The goal of this lab is to delineate watersheds utilizing watershed analysis tools, from a DEM raster image. In this lab, Adirondack Park in New York is the site for attempting to delineate watersheds. Methods To begin the lab, an Adirondack Park boundary shapefile was obtained, from the New York State GIS Clearinghouse. Additionally a hydrology shapefile from Cornell Universities Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR), and a #0_arc_second DEM of North America from ArcGIS online was utilized. In order to determine watersheds, the obtained data needs to be processed. I began by creating a buffer around the park boundary in order to allow for a little more room around the park boundary, that way extra raster values can be included so more raster calculations can be performe...