
Showing posts from March, 2018

Lab 4: Pedestrian Networks at UWEC

Goal The goal of this lab is to perform the whole process of network analysis. First a network dataset will be created to solve a real-world network problem. Specifically we will be exploring the Garfield Avenue construction project on the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire campus where pedestrian traffic has been affected by the closing off of parts of the campus. Two routes will be tested in this lab: the route pedestrians were forced to take in the fall of 2017 due to the construction, then the route available in spring 2018. Question: What is the difference between the two routes in terms of distance and time? Were pedestrians losing time on their commute due to the construction, and if so, how much? Methods The first step was to create a network dataset in ArcMap, with the geodatabase containing the UWEC paths barriers, and stops. In the new network table window, UWEC-paths were selected, then the option to model turns was also turned on. In the evaluators tab, t...