Lab 6: Model Builder

In this lab a spatial model of site suitability for corn cultivation will be produced. The factors that are taken into consideration for a suitable corn cultivation site, are land use, slope, and soil drainage. The factors will be given a ranked scale from 1 through 5, with 1 being unsuitable, and 5 being excellent. A weight will be applied to each factor according to its importance.
Land use slope and soils were brought into model maker. Each of these inputs was brought into a feature to Raster tool. which converted each input into a raster file. Then each raster was reclassified, the parameters in table 1 were used to rank the land use raster. Table 2's parameters were input to rank the slope raster. and finally table three was used to rank the soils raster. Finally a weighted overlay was done between all three outputs, to produce the weighted overlay which was then transformed into a suitability map to show suitable areas for corn cultivation. The full model is shown in Figure 1.
Table 1: Rank parameters for land use raster.

Table 2: Rank parameters for slope raster.

Table 3: Rank parameters for drainage raster.

Figure 1: The final corn suitability model.

A corn suitability map was the final output shown in Figure 2. Areas ranked as 1 are unsuitable locations, and areas with a ranking of 5 are excellent areas for corn cultivation. This map could be utilized by a farmer who is looking to cultivate corn in a new area.




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