
Showing posts from May, 2018

Final Project: Hydrologic Effects of Improved Agricultural Practices in The Western Portion of the Ames Fork in the Pecatonica Watershed

Hydrologic Effects of Improved Agricultural Practices in The Western Portion of the Ames Fork in the Pecatonica Watershed Goals The goal of this project is to determine if a similar trend of narrowing Bankfull Width in the headwater reaches, and slight widening in the downstream reaches of watersheds has continued in Southwestern Wisconsin, Specifically in the Western Ames Fork of the Pecatonica River Watershed (Figure 1). In the mid 1930s the SCS soil conservation services implemented improved agricultural practices in an effort to protect the land and try to revert land back to presettlement times where streams were healthy in Wisconsin. I previously did similar research in the Galena River watershed (Figure 2), where data from 2017 was compared to data found in literature that compared linear regression lines from 1940 to 1979. In 2017 myself and a few other students from Missouri State performed field work in the Galena Watershed, where lead and zinc was being traced through ...

Lab 5

Goal The goal of this Lab is to produce a geodatabase that will be utilized in the Final Project. Methods The process for creating the geodatabase is fairly simple for my project. The data base contains data for the western fork of the Pecatonica river watershed in the western fork of the Ames river.The purpose of the geodatabase is to contain all useful outputs when running a model for watershed delineation and stream delineation, and it will also contain point and polygon feature datasets which contain digitized information. Someone would be able to use this geodatabase to gather watershed areas, there is also data that contains Bankfull widths of streams. The data could be useful in a later study to see if Agricultural affects do affect stream systems in western Wisconsin. The Geodatabase is projected to NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N, this is the transvers4e Mercator projection for this sliver of western Wisconsin. No topology or annotations were included. Meta data will contain Lidar i...

Lab 6: Model Builder

Goal In this lab a spatial model of site suitability for corn cultivation will be produced. The factors that are taken into consideration for a suitable corn cultivation site, are land use, slope, and soil drainage. The factors will be given a ranked scale from 1 through 5, with 1 being unsuitable, and 5 being excellent. A weight will be applied to each factor according to its importance. Methods Land use slope and soils were brought into model maker. Each of these inputs was brought into a feature to Raster tool. which converted each input into a raster file. Then each raster was reclassified, the parameters in table 1 were used to rank the land use raster. Table 2's parameters were input to rank the slope raster. and finally table three was used to rank the soils raster. Finally a weighted overlay was done between all three outputs, to produce the weighted overlay which was then transformed into a suitability map to show suitable areas for corn cultivation. The full model is...